Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gallery Analysis

This piece, titled Otis College of Art and Design by Vedrana Misanovic is a digital media. This piece caught my eye immediately; I love the color choices and the pattern in which the colors are layered. The colors aren’t realistic in the sky in that manner but they seem to create a sunset with the silhouettes of the palm trees. It shows her enjoyment of doing “surfer art” especially since Otis College of Art and Design is in California. She also discussed that she liked to use those bright neon colors, and a lot of detail. Although this piece doesn’t show detail in the drawing aspect, like her picture of the jungle cat, it shows a lot of variety with the colors that she uses and detail with the colors being layered in the sky.

This piece, titled Untitled by Michelle Anderson is done with charcoal on foam board. It is of the torso of a man in black, grays, and white. She shows value in the shading and detail of this piece. Personally, I think this is a beautiful representation of the human body. I like the fact that she used the foam boards adds a different aspect to the piece and catches the eye, rather than just simply drawing the image on a solid medium. Michelle was talking about how she doesn’t include faces because she doesn’t want the face to define the picture and she wants to draw the focus in on other areas. I like this because it adds mystery, and it does, like Michelle said, let you define the image how you want to. The more I think about it, it is very true the face is extremely powerful, and has a huge affect on how people view the piece. If there were a face, how it’s drawn can start bringing in stereotypes and preconceived notions. For example, if the figure has beach blown hair, strong jaw, puckered lips, and provocative eyes the viewer is going to think Abercrombie & Fitch model, which could potentially take away from the rarity, or individuality of the piece. One thing that I thought was very interesting was that I have seen other works that Michelle had done and they were very colorful and they were somewhat abstract paintings, and I didn’t see anything of that sort in her art show.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Rachelle. I am pleased you were surprised with Michelle's body of work. Artists surprise us everyday. -evelyn davis, professor
