Friday, May 14, 2010

Analyzing and Changing the meaning of advertisements

The Original

The Opposite interpretation

Analysis of the Burberry Sport Ad
The ad seems to be set in present day based on the modern style of their hair and clothes. It is set simply as if they’re in a photo shoot with a white background; it almost seems incomplete.
The subjects are a young woman and young man, respectively and they both have Burberry attire on. The woman has a jacket, and pants but has no shirt on and a little skin revealed in between her unzipped jacket. She’s nonchalantly but awkwardly leaning toward the young man but her body is facing opposite of him, and she is holding her opposite arm. It’s like she’s trying to hide something from the audience. Her eyes seem to have a mystery to them, very enchanting almost saying that by wearing this product, you become a mystery. It’s a proven fact that most men enjoy the mystery and enjoy “the chase” of getting a woman.
The young man’s eyes actually seem to be intensely fixed on the viewer, like he is trying to send a message with his eyes saying, “You... yes you, must buy this product to look as handsome as I do.” His body position is relaxed, as seen in the fact that his hands are in his pockets. He is angled towards the young woman, so even though he is not looking at her directly he is aware that she is there even though his eyes may lead you to believe otherwise.
The ad is trying to get the audience to “guess” what the people in the ad are going to do next or possibly even just got done doing, being that the models only have their jackets and pants on and their hair is a little messy. This ad is very sexual without being completely naked it sends a message of sex. But that’s exactly what the creators want because young adults tend to be very sexual beings and would be able to relate, or admire the people in this advertisement.
The jacket and the boxers that the young man is wearing are red in color; red is the color of passion and love, which goes along with their sexual theme in this ad. White is generally pure, and it probably used to balance the red but it also goes with the theme because sex if you look at it as making love, can be a very pure, sacred act. There is also a little hint of red in the logo on her jacket which also makes a connection with him and the white bottle that is being advertised.
I found this ad in the May 2010 edition of Cosmopolitan. So like my other ad analysis states, it is directed at an audience of 18-40 year old women or any woman that still wants to be youthful is what this magazine is associated with. The text is just Burberry sport in bold letters because they don’t really have to say much else; the ad says it all.
Consumer Comment
For me the only thing that sells this product is the name brand behind it. I think that them being naked with fall jackets on is dumb and they need to put real clothes on.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if you can see the little clip art on the bottle or not but it's Pepe Le Pew :)
